The water footprint of humanity |
2011 |
english |
hoekstra-mekonnen-2012-water-footprint-of-humanity.pdf |
The vulnerability of the European agriculture and food system for calamities and geopolitics - A stress test |
2011 |
english |
stresstesteuagrfoodsystem.pdf |
Life cycle impacts of protein-rich foods for Superwijzer |
2011 |
english |
ce_delft_-_life_cycle_impacts_of_protein-rich_foods_for_superwijzer_.pdf |
Opinion by EESC on the CAP towards 2020: meeting the food, natural resources and territorial challenges of the future |
2011 |
english |
eesc_opinion_on_cap_proposals.doc |
Competing claims on land for food and biodiversity |
2011 |
english |
competing_land_claims_food_biodiversity_lei_2011.pdf |
The Common Strategic Framework and its Impact on Rural Development (Summary) |
2011 |
english |
2_summary_ruraldevelopment_chambonmitutasurubaru_pp50_ne_dec2011.pdf |
The CAP towards 2020: meeting the food, natural resources and territorial challenges of the future |
2011 |
english |
report_council_24-2-2011.doc |
Regulation on Integrated Maritime Policy |
2011 |
english |
fisheries-fund_2014-2020_ec_proposals.pdf |
Price volatility in food and agricultural markets: Policy responses |
2011 |
english |
interagency_report_to_the_g20_on_food_price_volatility.pdf |
Revue Rurale de l'EU - la qualite des produits agricoles: un facteur cle pour le succes des zones rurales de l'EU |
2011 |
french |
redr_revue_rurale_agriculture_bioproduits_qualitefr.pdf |
Competitive European Regions through Research and Innovation - New practical Guide to EU funding opportunities for research and innovation |
2011 |
english |
st13619en11_competitiveeuropeanregionsthroughresearchandinnovation.pdf |
The Common Strategic Framework and its Impact on Rural Development (Full report) |
2011 |
english |
the_csf_and_its_impact_on_rural_development.pdf |
Making U.S. Trade Policy Serve Global Food Security Goals |
2011 |
english |
iatp_hansen_ustradepolicy.pdf |
A resource-efficient Europe - Flagship initiative under the Europe 2020 Strategy |
2011 |
english |
resource_efficient_europe_european_commission2011.pdf |
State of the world: Innovations that nourish the planet |
2011 |
english |
stateoftheworld2011.pdf |
Direct payments in the CAP post 2013 |
2011 |
english |
ep20note20direct20payments_tangermann.pdf |
Getting to the core of the bio-economy: perspective on the sustainable promise of biomass |
2011 |
english |
report_biobased_economy.pdf |
Food for thought against food security concerns |
2011 |
english |
food_for_thought_against_food_security_concerns.doc |
Scarcity in a sea of plenty? Global resource scarcities and policies in the European Union and the Netherlands |
2011 |
english |
pbl_scarcity_in_a_sea_of_plenty.pdf |
Examples of 'Green Growth' projects |
2011 |
english |
green-growth-examples.pdf |