The role of information and knowledge in rural development: A case from Slovenia |
2006 |
english |
finskareferat_final240106.pdf |
Changing "social functions" & the future of rural societies |
2006 |
english |
contribution_greif.doc |
Agriculture: pour une régulation du commerce mondial |
2005 |
french |
agriculture_-_pour_une_regulation_du_commerce_mondial.pdf |
Les Europeens et l'alimentation durable - Etude qualitative dans 15 days d'Europe |
2005 |
french |
pub5f15745feuropeensetalimentationdurable.pdf |
The Europeans and sustainable food - Qualitative study in 15 European countries |
2005 |
english |
pub5f15755feuropeansandsustainable20food.pdf |
The Commission proposal and the Doha Round: What impact on EU Agriculture? |
2005 |
english |
eu_and_doha.pdf |
Europe's living countryside - Promoting policies for sustainable rural development |
2005 |
english |
europes_living_countryside.pdf |
Europe 2005: The Ecological footprint |
2005 |
english |
europe_2005_ecological_footprint1.pdf |
Agriculture: for a regulation of world trade |
2005 |
english |
agriculture_-_for_a_regulation_of_world_trade.pdf |
Consuming rural goods and services - A consumer-oriented comparative analysis |
2004 |
english |
rurban2_-_lei.pdf |
ELO's proposition for an integrated rural development policy |
2004 |
english |
elo_proposal_integrated_rural_development_policy.pdf |
New consumers: The influence of affluence on the environment |
2003 |
english |
new_consumerspnas.doc |
An evolutionary approach to rural development - Some lessions for the Policymaker |
2003 |
english |
paper20ljubljana20finale20apr03.pdf |
2011 Global food policy report - Full report |
2001 |
english |
global_food_policy_report_2011_ifpri-_full_version_.pdf |
Protecting the planet in the age of globalization |
2000 |
english |
wwi_vanishing_borders.pdf |
Links to CSF and partnership Contracts |
english |
csf_presentation_ec.ppt |
Sustainability indicators as core of greening in the CAP |
english |
sustainability_indicators_greening_cap-yara.pdf |
Facilitating sustainability of agriculture at regional level - Principles and case studies from across Europe (Handbook) |
english |
final_farmpath_-_a5_handbook.pdf |
GlobalG.A.P. fruit & vegetables |
english |
dairy_stewardship_council_-_essay_2013.pdf |
21st Century Capitalism: The Change From Inside |
english |
vision_paper_real_shareholder_value.pdf |