Toward sustainable agricultural systems in the 21st century |
2010 |
english |
sus-ag_21st_century.pdf |
Study on Employment, Growth and Innovation in Rural Areas (SEGIRA) - Main report |
2010 |
english |
ecorys_segira_fulltext.pdf |
How to save rural France |
2010 |
english |
how_to_save_rural_france.doc |
Civil Society Organizations´ Proposals to the FAO Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Land and Natural Resources Tenure |
2010 |
english |
cso_first_draft_-_fao_land_guidelines_18-10-2010.doc |
US and EU lower cereals stocks and new hikes in food prices ahead |
2010 |
english |
us_and_eu_projected_lower_cereals_stocks_and_new_hikes_in_food_prices_ahead.doc |
The CAP post 2012 - Closing report |
2010 |
english |
matthews-closing-report_en.pdf |
Study on Employment, Growth and Innovation in Rural Areas (SEGIRA) - Summary |
2010 |
english |
ecorys_segira_summary.pdf |
My vision on the CAP post 2013 |
2010 |
english |
cap.2013_h._popp.docx |
The EU historical responsibility to rebuild the agricultural policies on food sovereignty |
2010 |
english |
eu_responsibility_to_rebuild_the_agricultural_policies_on_food_sovereignty.pdf |
France sees wide support to regulate food markets |
2010 |
english |
france_regulate_world_food_markets.doc |
Placing the 2006/08 Commodity Price Boom into Perspective |
2010 |
english |
worldbank_foodpriceboom.pdf |
EU Rural Review - Creativity and Innovation in EU Rural Development |
2010 |
english |
enrd_rural_review2_innovation.pdf |
Local food systems in Europe: Case studies from five countries and what they imply for policy and practice |
2010 |
english |
faan_booklet_print.pdf |
Socio-spatial reconfiguraions in a transformative landscape |
2010 |
english |
sgt_reconfig.pdf |
Trade and Food Security |
2010 |
english |
european_economic_and_social_committee_m._campli.doc |
Choosing today for a stronger CAP tomorrow |
2010 |
english |
orientation_paper_cap_reform.pdf |
Evaluation of the livestock sector's contribution to the EU greenhouse gas emissions - Full report |
2010 |
english |
jrs_lifestock_ghg_contribution.pdf |
Bluesign criteria for textile manufacturers |
2010 |
english |
blue-sign_criteria_textile_manufacturers_v1.3.pdf |
Evaluation of the livestock sector's contribution to the EU greenhouse gas emissions - Executive summary |
2010 |
english |
jrs_lifestock_ghg_contribution_summary.pdf |
Working document on Fair revenues for farmers: A better functioning food supply chain in Europe |
2010 |
english |
http_www.europarl.europa.eu_sides_getdoc.do_pubref-_ep_nonsgmlcomparlpe-439.pdf |