Civil Society Organizations´ Proposals to the FAO Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Land and Natural Resources Tenure |
2010 |
english |
cso_first_draft_-_fao_land_guidelines_18-10-2010.doc |
Toward sustainable agricultural systems in the 21st century |
2010 |
english |
sus-ag_21st_century.pdf |
Key elements of sustainable food production and consumption: a discussion document |
2010 |
english |
softagrireport_2010.pdf |
Vital signs 2010 - The trends that are shaping our future |
2010 |
english |
vital_signs_2010.pdf |
How to feed the growing middle class responsibly? Report of the Future of Food seminar |
2010 |
english |
future_of_food_seminar_sao_paolo_2013.pdf |
Sustainability will become pre-competitive - Report of the Future of Food seminar |
2010 |
english |
futureoffood_report_20100428.pdf |
Vision 2050 - The new agenda for business |
2010 |
english |
vision_2050_fullreport_040210.pdf |
Sustainability will become pre-competitive - Summary from Report of the Future of Food seminar |
2010 |
english |
futureoffood_report_summary_20100428.pdf |
Agriculture at a crossroads - Executive Summary |
2009 |
english |
agriculture_at_a_crossroads_executive_summaryen.pdf |
Agriculture at a crossroads - Résumé à l'intention des décideurs |
2009 |
french |
agriculture_at_a_crossroads_executive_summaryfr.pdf |
New challenges for agricultural research: Climate change, Food security, rural development, agricultural knowledge systems |
2009 |
english |
scar_foresight_process_publication_exercise.pdf |
Securing our common future through environmentally sustainable land management |
2009 |
english |
lupg_vision_summary_a4_2pp_-_final_220109.pdf |
Labelling and promoting a socio-economically and environmentally sustainable agriculture |
2009 |
english |
ecs_sustainableagri_2009-03.pdf |
An integrated and territorial perspective on food studies, governance and planning |
2009 |
english |
sus-food_planning_hanwiskerke.pdf |
The state of food and agriculture - Livestock in the balance |
2009 |
english |
fao_state_of_food_and_agriculture_lifestock.pdf |
Consultation on the Future "EU 2020" Strategy - Working document |
2009 |
english |
eu2020_strategy.pdf |
Key food chain partners to launch sustainability roundtable |
2009 |
english |
pr_efscprt_final_260209.pdf |
Living planet report 2008 |
2008 |
english |
living_planet_report_2008_wwf.pdf |
Les Europeens et l'alimentation durable - Etude qualitative dans 15 days d'Europe |
2005 |
french |
pub5f15745feuropeensetalimentationdurable.pdf |
The Europeans and sustainable food - Qualitative study in 15 European countries |
2005 |
english |
pub5f15755feuropeansandsustainable20food.pdf |