The central-eastern EU model for competitive and sustainable agriculture and rural development


Agriculture in Europe is subject to increasing pressure from globalisation, that is moving toward the standardisation of the production, based on economic competitiveness. At the same time, Europe 2020 strategy promotes the idea of sustainable, innovative agri-food sector based on resource efficiency, and rural development promoting social inclusion and job creation.

'CAP, What's cooking?' Project launch

The event will take place at Italian Makers Village, Via Tortona 32, Milan at 18.00.

Sign up for our newsletter to be kept updated about the programme of the event.

You can download the Event announcement here

Rural Youth & Young Farmers Workshop

We would like to invite to the Rural Youth & Young Farmers Workshop, Forum Synergies  will organise, in collaboration with the Future Farmers Movement, from 22 to 25 October 2015 in beautiful countryside of the Netherlands!

Participation of an active youth force in rural economies and local development is usually limited by:

· Lack of preconditions and preparatory actions for return of youth to rural areas

Groupe de Bruges received news from the European Commission that its proposal for the development of a new book on the CAP had been selected.

Forum Synergies "Lifeshop: 2015 - discovering Moldova rural lifestyle"

Discover sustainable lifestyles by sharing a few days with a host in their village. Share a personal vision and explore new ways of achieving sustainable lifestyles in their (mostly rural) local contexts.

A "LifeShop" is more than a workshop. It provides a thematic focus but leaves enough space for reflection in a familiar atmosphere.

Get inspired by the creativity of others and celebrate an already existing sustainable lifestyle with friends.

More information here

Is the EU on the right path towards long-term food security?

Why participating?

Our event is an opportunity to highlight the environmental risks that currently undermine Europe’s long term food security, discuss with relevant stakeholders and decision makers whether (often contradictory) policies have been successful at tackling this issue, and look at possible solutions to these challenges which can help us in the future.

CALL FOR EXPERTS: Mixed Farming systems: Livestock/Cash crops

The call for experts is now open and we are looking for farmers, scientists, farm advisors, people from agribusiness or anybody who could contribute with their expertise and experience.

Are you one of the experts they are looking for?


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