Context about EIP: Five European Innovation Partnerships have been launched in the context of the Innovation Union. European Innovation Partnerships are a new approach to research and innovation. EIPs help to pool expertise and resources by bringing together public and private sectors at EU, national and regional levels, combining supply and demand side measures. How? You will find out in this webinar.
We are organising a free webinar on September 29, 2015 via the 'Can EU CAP it?' Project, where all European citizens can engage in learning and discussing the oldest European policy: the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
Topic is "Towards a rural renaissance: LEADER is leading the way!"
Format: 20 minute session will be followed by live 10 minute Q&A from participants.
Speaker: Bart Soldaat, a Groupe de Bruges secretary and a LEADER coordinator in The Netherlands.
The National Organic Training Skillnets (NOTS) will be hosting an exciting two day seminar on Snail production. This unique seminar should be of interest to all those who might consider snail farming as a part-time of full-time source of income.
The Common Agricultural Policy is a colossal public policy intervention, using 39% of the EU budget and shaping the farming policies of Member States. It could be a major force for improvements in public health, rural economies, and sustainable food and farming; but it is not. And it won’t be until our food system is governed democraticallyfor the common good.
We are organising a free webinar on September 29, 2015 via the 'Can EU CAP it?' Project, where all European citizens can engage in learning and discussing the oldest European policy: the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
Topic is "CAP: greening or green-washing?
Format: 20 minute session will be followed by live 10 minute Q&A from participants.