2016 Call for Papers of the invites papers for its 2016 English language special issue on the following topics:

Designing the path: a strategic approach to EU agricultural research and innovation

Challenges faced by agriculture and rural areas and the long-term character of research activities call for a strategic approach to research and innovation. European Commission organises a large conference to discuss how such a strategic approach could be implemented. The conference will close a half-year process kicked-off in Milan in June 2015. Final programme and documents and webstreaming links now on-line.

Conference objectives

The objectives of the conference will be to:

European Conference ‘Unlocking the Potential of the RDPs’

The invitation-only event will bring together all the national and regional Managing Authorities responsible for designing and implementing the RDPs and National Rural Networks’ (NRNs) representatives.

The main aims of the conference are to share experiences and to arrive at answers to the following questions:

Guest article by one of our members A.M. van Doorn and Th.C.P. Melman
Groupe de Bruges is wishing you a wonderful holiday season & a healthy and inspiring 2016


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