PRESS RELEASE: ‘Can EU CAP it?’: the easiest way to get answers to all questions on the reformed CAP
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November 2014
On November 27 the Groupe de Bruges officially launched a unique e-learning platform,, where all European citizens can engage in learning and discussing the oldest European policy: the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The platform consists of five parts: CAP Game, CAP Basic videos, CAP Pro course, CAP Events & CAP Forums.
CAP it?’ Project has been built on the objective to increase and disseminate the knowledge and discussion of the reformed CAP not only for academics and other experts, but to make this rather complex policy also accessible in a simple way to the general public.
Arie van den Brand, Groupe de Bruges’ President: “it is crucial, both for agriculture and the legitimacy of the CAP, that citizens, become better informed about a policy that spends some € 53 billion euro each year. Currently 92% of all European no nothing about it. Here in Holland we have a saying: unknown makes unloved”.
The official launch by Minister Dijksma took place during a public debate at De Rode Hoed in Amsterdam: 'Closing the gap on the CAP: young urbanites and young farmers discuss with each other about the future of farming’. Miss Dijksma stressed the need for farmers to engage with citizens directly to better explain the vital importance of agriculture to address the major challenges of today and tomorrow and to discuss with them how farmers can better meet societal demands for better and more sustainably produced food”.
In this context she pointed towards the recent dialogues between the Young Dutch Farmers Organisation (NAJK) and the Youth Food Movement as an excellent example.
Lucas van Dessel, vice chair of the Flemish young farmers organisation Groene Kring, and one of the speakers at the debate, confirmed this view: “even urban agriculture, viewed by some as a gimmick, can help us farmers in a hands-on way to explain what we are doing, often much better than we do ourselves”.
The ‘Can EU CAP it?’ platform is now fully functional – the CAP Game with unique European competitions, CAP Basic – Future of farming, CAP Pro in English, with further implementation of other 3 languages over the coming weeks (Italian, French, German). Join the discussion now and join the Project on tour in other 3 events in Berlin, Paris or Rome.
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Photo: Lucas van Dessel vice chairman of the Flemish young farmers organisation Groene Kring
Photo: Ms Sharon Dijksma, Deputy Minister for Agriculture of Netherlands and Arie van den Brand, president of Groupe de Bruges
Photo: Joris Lohman, director of the Youth Food Movement and future chairman of the Slow Food Youth Network